Data Privacy Manager

Data Privacy Manager Profile

Omar Khattab is a Cyber Security Engineering Graduate, his role as Data Privacy & Compliance Manager is as follows:

Omar Khattab takes on the role of a cybersecurity specialist, responsible for securing the company's digital assets, data, and IT infrastructure. He could implement security measures to protect sensitive candidate and client information, as well as ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Omar Khattab be the point person for all matters related to information security within the company. He develops and enforces security policies, conducts regular security assessments and audits, and implements strategies to mitigate risks and respond to security incidents.

Given the importance of data privacy, Omar focuses on ensuring the company's compliance with data protection laws, such as GDPR or CCPA. He could work on creating data handling procedures, conducting privacy impact assessments, and managing data breach responses.

Omar Khattab develops and delivers training programs to educate employees about cybersecurity best practices. This would help create a security-conscious culture within the company, reducing the risk of human-related security breaches.

PSJ works with third-party vendors or software providers, Omar assesses their security practices and ensures that they meet the company's cybersecurity standards. This is crucial to prevent security weaknesses from being introduced through external partners.